I watched "Say Anything" today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Its the typical 80's movie but has a lot of sense and sensibilty in the plot.
The movie revolves around the love story of John Cusack and Ione Skye(Iloyd Dobler and Diane COurt). The love story is unexpected in the way it begins and the way it moves forward cause its so real and true to life. The silly things we do to win over someone, the joys of first love, the pain of losing it, the thrills of spending time together, and generally just being happy on finding the one..
I like the tagline of the movie-To know Lloyd Dobler is to love him. Diane Court is about to know Lloyd Dobler. The boom box scene is cheesy but oh so romantic with Cusack playing the romantic Peter gabrielle song holding the boombox over his head.
Loved all the hilarious dialogues which are many and spread throughout the film. "Say Anything' is explained that when you are truly comfortable with someone, you can say anything and thats true.
Must watch 80's movie of John Cusack.